

注意: 请参阅 BW Cybersecurity Policy for Form Submission 发送表格前.


Students 和 families should begin by completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Additional forms may be requested for submission. Below is a comprehensive list of possible financial aid forms that may be requested.

Unless otherwise noted, send completed forms to:
Berea, OH 44017-2088
电子邮件: onestop@wfyxwl.com

2024 - 25的形式


To learn more about receiving a refund, view BW's 帐单和退款政策.

学费报销计划 (TRPP) Application

An 申请入读TRPP needs to be completed for each semester enrolled at BW. 查看 学费报销计划.

1098 - t形式

视图 instructions on how to access 1098-T forms from BW.

BW Cybersecurity Policy for Form Submission

In an effort to ensure the safety of 你的 personal information, please refrain from sending documents containing 你的 social security number to our office via unsecured email. 而不是, use one of the following more secure options: in-office drop off, 邮政邮件, 安全的传真, or scan the documents 和 secure them with a password before sending. If you elect to send a password-protected email, please call the 一站 at (440) 826-2121 to provide the password required to open 你的 file.

Additionally, students can safely send documents electronically through the BW SecureFile门户 by selecting the option to drop-off their electronic documents 和 entering onestop@wfyxwl.com 作为接受者.

让 Us 帮助 你

联系 us 和 我们会 回答 你的 问题.